This is one of nine books in the World of Harmony Music series of books created for zithers, or lap harps. Simply choose the song you’d like to play and slide the whole book under the strings of your zither! Pluck the strings in the order shown on the sheet music for instant success! These books work with Appalachian Spirit Folk Instruments, Music Makers, Melody Harps, Small World Toys, and T.K. O’Brien’s zithers. For Melody Harps, tune the F strings to F sharp. Strings may line up near middle of note stem rather than note head. Not recommended for First Act or Happy Hape, as those are smaller instruments. Available in hardcopy and digital formats. Hardcopy books will be mailed within two business days. Digital books are available for immediate download after purchase and you’ll avoid shipping costs. Choose between Single User License or Unlimited Studio License. The Single User License allows you to download and print one copy of the book per license for your own use, no reselling. If you’d like to have more than four books in your studio, the Studio license will be more economical. You can print as many as you need for use in your music studio only. No reselling outside your studio.
This book contains the following pieces of music:
- Shalom Chaverim
- Shabbat Shalom
- Head Shoulders Knees and Toes in English and Hebrew
- HaTikva
- Haveinu Shalom Aleichem
- Adon Olam
- Go Down Moses
- Dayeinu
- Dreidel Song and Dreidel game rules
- Ma Nishtana (The Four Questions)
- Hinei Ma Tov
- Oh Chanukah
- Zum Gali Gali
- Chanukah Blessings
- Shehecheyanu
- Tumbalalaika
- David Melech Israel
- Ma’oz Tzur (Rock of Ages)
- Torah Torah Torah
- Hava Nagila
- Eliyahu Hanavi
- Avinu Malcheinu